● 500+ hours dedicated to an immersive and Full-Stack Web Development boot camp. ● Engineered 10+ applications with clear and detailed code on both a collaborative and individual basis within 12 weeks.
JavaScript Developer
- General Assembly - 2019 |
● 150 hours dedicated to an immersive JavaScript Development course. ● Engineered 1 final project Java Script application.
Front-End Web Developer
- General Assembly - 2019 |
● 150 hours dedicated to an immersive Front End Web Development course. ● Engineered 1 final project Front End application.
Direction of Photography
- B'Arco Institute - 2016 |
● 500+ hours dedicated to an immersive hands-on course, with professionals of the area. ● Engineered 1 final project of a short movie production.
Bachelor in Fine Arts in Photography
- Faculdade Belas Artes - 2015 |
● 2 years of a hands-on complete studies of the art of Photography.